Last day

Today is our last full day in Australia. Tomorrow we will be departing Sydney are returning home.

For our final day in Sydney, we decided to check out a couple of the famous beaches located around town. We first ventured north via Harbor Ferry to Manley Beach. Manley is filled with shops and small restaurants as well as a beautiful beach. Unfortunately, the weather was a little to cold for sitting in the sun (low 60s), so we just walked around town for a little while before returning to Circular Quay to catch the bus to Bondi Beach.

Bondi is located south of Sydney and had many more folks closer to our age (Manley seemed to be the Florida of Sydney) as well as a bunch of small take away (what the aussies call to-go) restaurants. The weather had warmed a bit, so we were able to sit on the beach for a couple of hours. The water, on the other hand, was still on the cool side, so we did not go in past our knees. Bondi was full of surfers and sun bathers and was a great place for the final official stop on our vacation.

After today's internet session, we are going to head back to the hotel to clean up for dinner. The aiport shuttle picks us up at 10am tomorrow for our 1pm flight back to Los Angeles before at last making it home. We will both arrive to our home cities around 7pm on Saturday (Zach has a longer layover).

Hope everyone has enjoyed reading this blog as much as I have detailing our trip. I will post one more time with a link to whatever photos I post.