Debugging LCDS in Eclipse
I found a very helpful tidbit this afternoon…how to via AMF traffic as part of your debug logging stream. In the WEB-INF/flex/services-config.xml file, change “Error” to “Debug” in the following line:
<target class="flex.messaging.log.ConsoleTarget" level="Debug">
After restarting your application, you should see the console fill with output such as:
15:06:11,652 INFO \[STDOUT\] \[Flex\] Deserializing AMF/RTMP request
Version: 0
(Command method=connect (2) trxId=1.0)
(Object #0)
app = ""
flashVer = "WIN 9,0,60,235"
swfUrl = "http://localhost:8080/LCDS-Sample/bin/Main.swf"
tcUrl = "rtmp://localhost:2038"
fpad = false
capabilities = 15.0
audioCodecs = 1639.0
videoCodecs = 252.0
videoFunction = 1.0
pageUrl = "http://localhost:8080/LCDS-Sample/bin/Main.html"
objectEncoding = 3.0