Data Services with Server-Side Validation

Out of the box, Flex provides a set of great validators for client-side validation of form input (e.g. for phone numbers), but for instances in which we need to involve the server, things become a bit trickier. Before we get into the how though, a quick discussion of the why. There are numerous situations in which server-side validation is not only nice, but a must. Consider an application that asks users to register themselves. The application might ask the user to create a username, but that username must be unique. We don't want to send our entire list of username to the client, so instead we'll utilize validation code on the server. In a previous post, I detailed my approach for server-side validation.

In general, the design follows a similar pattern to Rails - we store a map of errors in an object within the model object itself. Persistent classes that implements the Validateable interface can be validated by our framework and an instance of ValidateableErrors will be injected into the object with a map of validation errors. If the validation framework encounters an error, it halts execution and sends the invalid object (with errors) back to the client.

Once Flex receives the updated object, the application needs to be able to display those errors. To do this, we'll utilize a custom implementation of the mx.validators.Validator class. Before we dig into the validator class, let's take a quick look at the ActionScript implementation of the ValidateableErrors class:

public class ValidateableErrors
    private var \_errors : Object;

    public function ValidateableErrors(errors : Object) : void
        this.\_errors = errors;

    public function getFieldErrors(field : String) : Array
        return this.\_errors\[field\] == null ?
            \[\] : \[ this.createValidationResult(this.\_errors\[field\]) \];

    private function createValidationResult(msg : String) : ValidationResult
        return new ValidationResult(true, "", "SERVER\_ERROR", msg);

The first thing to note is that instead of using a Dictionary, we are in fact just using a plain old object as this is how LCDS deserializes Java Maps on the Flex side. Each of the keys in the map are now properties for this object. We can this utilize the "[]" notation to retrieve the value of a given property. The validation message is wrapped in a ValidationResult object, which is utilized by the validator to display error messages in the UI.

Let's now take a quick look at the validator implementation:

public class ServerErrorValidator extends Validator
    private var \_errors : ValidateableErrors;
    public var field : String;

    public function ServerErrorValidator()
        this.\_errors = null;

    public function set errors(errors : ValidateableErrors) : void
        this.\_errors = errors;

    override protected function doValidation(value : Object) : Array
        return this.\_errors.getFieldErrors(this.field);

Our validator simply accesses the ValidateableErrors object referenced by the "errors" property for a given field. It then displays the error message via the return ValidationResult object. We can make this a clearer by looking at an example:

<validation:ServerErrorValidator id="firstNameValidator" field="firstName"
    errors="{ this.\_user.validationErrors }" listener="{ this.firstName }"/>
<validation:ServerErrorValidator id="lastNameValidator" field="lastName"
    errors="{ this.\_user.validationErrors }" listener="{ this.lastName }"/>

<mx:Label x="10" y="10" text="User Validation Test" fontSize="16" color="#FFFFFF" fontWeight="bold"/>
<mx:Panel x="10" y="42" width="480" height="200" layout="absolute" title="Create User">
    <mx:Label x="10" y="10" text="First Name:"/>
    <mx:Label x="10" y="36" text="Last Name:"/>
    <mx:TextInput x="127" y="8" id="firstName"/>
    <mx:TextInput x="127" y="34" id="lastName"/>
    <mx:Button x="385" y="128" label="Create" click="createUser()"/>

The User instance ("_user") is defined elsewhere. Although not ideal, we do need to instantiate one validator per field even though we only reference a single object. The response from the data service's "createItem" method is an updated version of the user object with the associated validation errors. Flex takes care of updating the UI appropriately to display the errors.

This implementation has worked well thus far for my purposes; however, I do see room for improvement in displaying multiple errors messages per field and in making the solution as a whole more flexible. I do welcome feedback.